How did Wegmans improve iteself in each and every field?

To generate these ratings, the Temkin Group asked 10,000 American consumers to rate their recent experiences in a three-dimensional company: success (can you do what you want?), Effort (is it easy to work with the company?) And emotions (like you ) Do you think about interactions?). The Temkin Group averaged these three values ​​to obtain the Temkin experience score for each company.

In these ratings, a rating of 70% or more is considered “good” and a rating of 80% or more is “excellent”, while a rating of less than 60% is considered “bad”.

Temkin Experience 2018 ratings and other ratings are available on the MyWegmansConnect rating website at

The free 2018 Temkin Experience Rating report can be downloaded from the Customer Experience Blog® ( and from the Temkin Group website at

About the MyWegmansConnect Group: The Temkin Group is a leader in customer experience research, consulting, and training. Many of the world’s largest brands rely on their insights and advice to guide their transformative journeys, and the Temkin Group accelerates their results by combining customer experience opinion leaders with a deep understanding of organizational dynamics. Rather than relying on cosmetic amendments, the Temkin Group helps companies integrate practices into their culture and makes four core competencies: directed leadership, employee engagement, compelling brand values, and customer loyalty. The company’s ongoing research identifies new and innovative best practices to reach the hearts and minds of customers, employees, and partners. For more information, contact Bruce Temkin at 617-916-2075 or [email protected]


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